[Third Dialogue: IN A LANDSCAPE], 2020
CollettivO CineticO & Alessandro Sciarroni
In this third chapter of the “Dialogues” project of the Collettivo Cinetico company, led by Francesca Pennini, Alessandro Sciarroni composes a choreographic piece whose title is inspired by the homonymous composition by John Cage created to “sober and quiet the mind, thus rendering it susceptible to divine influences”.
As in other works, In a landscape intends to mend an empathic relationship with the spectator – almost a new form of tenderness – through something light and mysterious in the obstinacy of repetition, something that seems to have an opposite energy compared to patience, fatigue and the obstinacy of the action.
“The interpreters,” says Sciarroni, “seem to me like figures directed towards what seems to be a feeling of serene determination that tends to a disappearance: a voluntary extinction of the subject. An act of extreme love. The choice of a definitive departure. But I admit that my gaze is not objective “.
[choreography Alessandro Sciarroni / action & creation Simone Arganini, Margherita Elliot, Carmine Parise, Angelo Pedroni, Francesca Pennini, Stefano Sardi / lights Alessandro Sciarroni / music John Cage, Stefano Sardi / styling Ettore Lombardi / technical direction Stefano Baraldi]
[coproduction CollettivO CineticO, Aperto Festival – Fondazione I Teatri di Reggio Emilia Teatro Comunale di Ferrara, Operaestate Festival Veneto/CSC, MARCHE TEATRO, Centrale Fies/Art Work Space with the support of MIBACT, Regione Emilia Romagna]